[ 6 minutes to read ]Chapter 9 [B]y our sins we are guilty before God and we need our sins to be covered. We don’t need the kind of covering that a child uses when…
Posts tagged Evangelism
The World’s Trouble: Chapter 7
[ 4 minutes to read ]Chapter 7 [H]ave you ever wondered why there are so many ways, so many religions, and even so many denominations claiming to be Christian? Many claim to be the one…
The World’s Trouble: Chapter 6
[ 7 minutes to read ]Chapter 6 If you’ve read this far, then you have considered some things that many people don’t want to think about. The real issues of life and death and the…
The World’s Trouble: Chapter 5
[ 4 minutes to read ] Chapter 5 [J]eremiah the prophet wrote, “The heart is deceitful above all things” (Jeremiah 17:9). This speaks of the internal corruption of our hearts and minds. It points to…