[ 4 minutes to read ]and the band played on [W]hen you plant a seed, can any plant come up from it? Can corn grow from the seed of a sunflower? Paul said that God…
Posts tagged Exposition
To Preach a Book: The Eighth Sermon
[ 2 minutes to read ]Follow one preacher’s journey preaching through a book. [T]he eighth sermon covers Ruth 3:1-5, which is the opening image and inciting action of the fourth scene. The fourth scene closes…
The War on Exposition
[ 12 minutes to read ]Know your enemy and know yourself [S]un Tzu was born during the Babylonian captivity of the southern kingdom of Judah, though he was silent on that subject. He probably wanted…
To Preach a Book: Sermon 7 – God is Not Silent
[ 2 minutes to read ]Follow one preacher’s journey preaching through a book. [T]he seventh sermon covers the short, transitional scene in Ruth 2:18-23. This scene is like a bridge to move from the important…