Proverbs 10:16

[ 1 minutes to read ]

The labor of the righteous tendeth to life: the fruit of the wicked to sin.
– Proverbs 10:16

[F]ollowing verse 15 is a wise saying proving wealth and poverty are not the greatest factors and that life is more than physical. The wisdom worldview here is considering outcomes, or results. Regardless of what a person possesses and whether that would class him as poor or rich, he will use what he does have according to the character he also has. Labor takes in both the work and the wage. Fruit is the product or gain received. The righteous and the wicked both have gains in this proverb. The spiritual dynamic is contrasted by those gains being either to life or sin. Whatever profit the wicked receives becomes unprofitable because they only use it to fuel ongoing offense, as the word indicates.

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