Proverbs 3:7

[ 1 minutes to read ]

Be not wise in thine own eyes: fear the LORD, and depart from evil.
– Proverbs 3:7

[S]olomon gives three directions to walking in wisdom. Being wise in your own eyes is to be resistant to correction and instruction (Proverbs 9:7-8; 13:1; 15:12; 26:12). It is a mark of a fool and of pride. So, first, Solomon teaches we must be humble to receive wisdom. We must confess we lack wisdom and seek it. Positively, he says to fear the Lord, which is the beginning of wisdom (Proverbs 1:7) and brings us to life (Proverbs 14:27). Lastly, he admonishes to turn back from working mischief. He counters our natural bent on all three points. Our natural inclinations are to think ourselves wise, not regard the Lord, and to go after evil. Walking in wisdom is counter to all three.

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