Book Review: What is a Healthy Church?

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What Is a Healthy Church?What Is a Healthy Church? by Mark Dever
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

[T]his book is based on Dever’s larger work, “Nine Marks of a Healthy Church,” and is a briefer and more practical treatment of what a healthy church should look like. He does briefly touch on each of the nine marks, but he divides them into essential marks and important marks. I appreciate how he emphasizes that the Bible is the rule of faith and practice. He asks for a hearing and that if the reader disagrees with his conclusions, it will be because, through studying the Bible, the reader believes the texts mean something different.

Having said that, I do disagree with some conclusions here and there because I believe the texts have a different meaning. However, the book overall is helpful for thinking through a number of issues related to the church and the practical application of doctrine.

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