[ 7 minutes to read ]Terrible advice preachers give [I]t’s a new year and a great time to commit to reading the Bible every day. With a plan, you could read the entire Bible this…
Browsing Category Short Thoughts
The Mark of a Man
[ 9 minutes to read ]What was the mark of Cain? [T]he ever enigmatic Holmes came into the breakfast room where Watson was engaged in the most important meal of the day. Holmes entered with…
Knocking on Your Door
[ 4 minutes to read ]What are we opening the door to? [I]’ve had cultists at my door. I’ve had conversations with them on the front porch. I’ve had cultists come up to me in…
The War on Exposition
[ 12 minutes to read ]Know your enemy and know yourself [S]un Tzu was born during the Babylonian captivity of the southern kingdom of Judah, though he was silent on that subject. He probably wanted…