[ 2 minutes to read ]

~ Ecclesiastes 9:16
– Yiddish Proverb
Frequently Asked Questions
What is bold preaching?
It certainly isn’t preaching hard on all the sins and problems of people who are not in front of you. Boldness is openly declaring exactly what the text says to the people in front of you.
What is a high view of Scripture?
Viewing Scripture as inspired, inerrant, infallible, finally authoritative, perspicuous, and sufficient.
What is a high view of Scripture in the pulpit?
A high view of Scripture in the pulpit is seen by the way the preacher handles the text of God’s word. If he reads it, explains its original contextual meaning, and applies it to the people in front of him, he has a high view. If the preacher already has a sermon and only needs the Bible to find a “text,” he has a low view. If the preacher preaches his convictions and opinions, he has a low view. If the preacher preaches the “truth” without preaching the text, he has a low view. If the preacher preaches verses that he thinks can mean many different things depending on what “doctrine” he wants to preach, he has a low view. If the preacher approaches the Bible as though it were a code book or puzzle where nothing is ever what it is but represents something else, he has a low view. If the preacher relies on tradition, what’s always been done, he has a low view. Well, I could go on.
How long should a sermon be?
As long as it takes to clearly preach the text. If a preacher isn’t actually preaching a text, any length of sermon is too long.
Does God give preachers messages?
God gave men messages in various ways for around 1,500 years and then he sent his Son to complete the messages he had for man. His Son chose men to entrust with the completion of the messages and the commission of transmitting them to all who would come after them. All the messages God will give are collected in a big thick book that binds them all together in sixty-six books. This book of God’s messages is given to all preachers and comes with explicit instructions to preach the messages God has already and finally given without adding to or taking away from it.
What is the preacher’s job?
To give himself fully to study and prayer in order to preach the words God has given so that the lost are commanded to repent and believe and the saved are instructed in the faith so they are equipped to do the work God said they should do and be ready to die.
How can you tell if a preacher is gospel centered?
He will actually preach the gospel clearly and consistently.
Shouldn’t a preacher just rely on the Holy Spirit to give him words to say in the moment?
(Stares exegetically)