Proverbs 22:1

[ 1 minutes to read ]

[V]erses 1-16 of chapter 22 finish out the collection of proverbs known as “The Proverbs of Solomon.” These proverbs touch on different subjects, such as, fear of the Lord, riches, poverty, child training, prudence, speech, etc.

A good name is rather to be chosen than great riches, and loving favor rather than silver and gold.

– Proverbs 22:1

The word for name means name, but more figuratively it stands for reputation. Having a good reputation, or character, can be linked with wisdom in being better than riches (Proverbs 3:14; 13:15). The word for favor means grace, or favor. It points to being loved, or esteemed. Wisdom commends being a person known for wisdom, with a good character, as better than riches or worldly power.

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