Psalm 119:43

[ 1 minutes to read ]

And take not the word of truth utterly out of my mouth;
for I have hoped in thy judgments.
~ Psalm 119:43

And take not the word of truth utterly out of my mouth

[M]anner of life has been more prominent in this Psalm than matter of speech. Speech is important but it has to be prioritized. We can easily say one thing and do another, which is hypocrisy, and thereby nullify the words we speak in the minds of those who hear us. The psalmist previously expressed this principle in prayer (Psalm 119:27), where he understood “the way of thy precepts” to be before and foundational to talking “of thy wondrous works.”

This first phrase is a prayer to God for the word not to be taken from his mouth. The word can be forfeited through inconsistent walk of life but something more is behind these words. He prayed to God for His word not to be taken out of his mouth and the next phrase of the verse explains the impetus behind this prayer.

for I have hoped in thy judgments

The last phrase of this verse explains his dependence of God fulfilling His word. If he has spoken of the mighty promises of God and they fail, the word will be utterly taken out of his mouth. He prays for deliverance based on God’s word. He has declared the wondrous works of God, His judgments, and precepts. So He prays for God to fulfill that the spoken word will not fail.

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