Review: Fifty Years in China: An Eventful Memoir of Tarleton Perry Crawford, D.D. [1909 ]

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Fifty Years in China: An Eventful Memoir of Tarleton Perry Crawford, D.D. [1909 ]
Fifty Years in China: An Eventful Memoir of Tarleton Perry Crawford, D.D. [1909 ] by Lovelace Savidge Foster
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

T. P. Crawford was a baptist missionary in China from 1852 to 1902. He was committed to Scripture and following the simple biblical pattern, regardless of the cost. He was a passionate evangelist and seemingly tireless worker for the Gospel. He was selfless in his labors and sets a solid example with his life.

This book takes the good with the bad and it renewed my disgust with church politics. Missionaries face much pressure, friction, and even opposition on the field, but nearly all their stories reveal that they face the same from the churches back home. Men sit by warm fires in comfortable arm-chairs scrutinizing and second guessing the missionary’s every step, all while he has his life on the line everyday at the frontlines of the great commission.

I recommend this book. It ought to be required reading for every Baptist.

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