Review: The Art of Prophesying with the Calling of the Ministry: A Needed Tool for All Pastors

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The Art of Prophesying with The Calling of the Ministry: A Needed Tool for All PastorsThe Art of Prophesying with The Calling of the Ministry: A Needed Tool for All Pastors by William Perkins
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

The original being published in the late 1500s was the first book on preaching written and published in the English language. By “prophesying,” the author refers to preaching as the expounding of Scripture and application of its truth to the congregation. It’s an old usage and does not in any way refer to modern day prophesying by various charismatics.

Perkins treats preaching from a pastoral perspective. There are some practical suggestions here and there, but very little space is given to aspects of delivery. He primarily deals with interpreting and expounding Scripture. So it’s quite a contrast from so many more modern books on preaching. Perkins throughout promotes a high view of the sufficiency and authority of Scripture, such that preaching including teaching, reproof, correction, and instruction, should all come from the meaning of the passage of Scripture. This high view of Scripture and the presupposition that all aspects of preaching should derive from the natural meaning of the text is what gives this treatment on preaching high value. Even his words on applications have the same assumption.

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