Review: Resolving Everyday Conflict

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Resolving Everyday Conflict
Resolving Everyday Conflict by Ken Sande
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

As the title suggests, this is a very practical book on a relevant topic. Everyone experiences conflict. It is not possible in a fallen world of sinners to avoid it. I am afraid that many of us just accept that fact and determine to live with it, which means we have a growing mountain of unresolved offenses that is going to landslide on us someday. Unresolved offenses is fertile ground for bitterness to take root.

Ken Sande brings biblical truths to bear on this topic and highlights with personal experiences of conflict, forgiveness, and reconciliation. He gets at the heart of peacemaking and distinguishes between it and peacefaking. He treats the offender and the offended. He also gives some consideration to whether an offense can be passed over. That issue and forgiveness need a fuller biblical treatment, but he does give some good thoughts.

We must realize that Jesus commands us to resolve our conflicts, whether we are offended or the offender (Matthew 5:22-26; 18:15-17). This is to be done soon, humbly, and as privately as possible. This book will be helpful to you as you strive to live peaceably with all men in obedience to Christ’s demands.

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