[ 1 minutes to read ]
The Journals of Jim Elliot by Elisabeth Elliot
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Jim Elliot’s journals were compiled together by Elisabeth Elliot for publication. These are dated, chronological journal entries, so they read that way and not as a cohesive idea development. These journal entries do tell a part of Jim Elliot’s life story, obviously from his own perspective. Some entries are mundane but mainly the book is full of insights, thoughts, struggles, and more. I found it amusing how he thought Elisabeth too skinny in the early going but as his love for her grew, he seemed not to notice what he previously thought were flaws.
Jim Elliot’s journals give a different yet valuable perspective on mission work. He knew he could die in the effort to reach the Auca’s and in the end the five men chose not to defend themselves and sealed their witness with their blood. I highly recommend this book. The book is large but journal entries are brief and it lends itself to reading in a devotional manner.