To Preach a Book: Sermon 6 – Satisfied

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Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine.
~ 2 Timothy 4:2
Follow one preacher’s journey preaching through a book.

[T]he sixth sermon covered the ending resolution of Scene 2, from 2:8-17. The scene turned when Boaz arrived. A day that hadn’t gone especially well for Ruth suddenly became much better. Ruth returns home full.

Sermon Introduction

I reviewed the turning point of Scene 2 covered in the previous sermon. That part of the scene introduced us to Boaz and established him as a possible source of help for Ruth and Naomi. Ruth’s character as a wise/virtuous woman is further illustrated. The turning point marks a true turn in providence for Naomi, but she doesn’t know it yet, so dramatic tension is introduced.

The end of Scene 2 gives us the crucial moment where Ruth and Boaz meet. Each one has the character more filled out as they respond and make choices. Consistent with her character as a wise/virtuous woman, Ruth literally receives the fruits of her work as she goes home full to Naomi.

Verses 8-13 Ruth and Boaz Meet

The arrival of Boaz leads to an exchange with his field supervisor and ultimately with Ruth. It seems Ruth has had some trouble in fields as is leaving, as Boaz asks her not to leave his fields. This certainly increases the tension and further highlights the providential timing of Boaz’ arrival.

The exchange between Boaz and Ruth put them both in the best light. Their character is being shown through their actions. Boaz shows unexpected generosity in instructing Ruth to stay with his maidens, ensuring her a more fruitful gleaning. Ruth is astonished at the grace shown to her.

Verses 14-17 Ruth is Filled

The scene resolves with Boaz multiplying his kindness to Ruth. He invites her to eat at his table. What was likely an ordinary workday meal for his servants became a lavish and filling feast for Ruth. He further extended his kindness with instructions to his reapers giving Ruth an even greater yield for the day’s work.

The opening image of the scene had Naomi saying she went away from Bethlehem full and came back empty. The image is reversed in the scene resolution where Ruth had left home that morning empty and was coming back full.

Sermon Conclusion

I noticed how this part of the scene had many unknowns. Boaz didn’t know who Ruth was. Ruth didn’t know who Boaz was. Naomi didn’t know how Ruth was doing. So the passage applies to us by giving an example of what living by faith looks like. What do we do when we don’t have all the answers and we don’t know what one choice or action will lead to?


You can listen to the fifth sermon here.

Up Next

Next will be the seventh sermon in the series.

This post is part a of series. To read the entire series from the beginning, go here.

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